Thursday, March 18, 2010

Tips for visitors virtual and real

Money: on the American dollar so no changing hassles. Bring small bills. hundreds are impossible to change. Cash cards are good, but usually a charge for getting money. Few places take credit cards except in Gringolandia.

Culture: many public diplays of affection, bare breast-feeding, spitting and nosepicking

Personal services: bring shoes that need to be shined; it costs 50 cents to get them to "shine like mirrors". also come scruffy; haircuts and shaves are 1-2 dollars for 45 minute salon treatment.

Pedestrian rights: are nonexistant. have almost been run over while crossing on a green and not looking to my left. One driver in English told me to "check out the light". yeah it´s green, but for cars turning left into crowds of pedestrians too. Don´t fight with the vehicles you won´t win. I´ve tried.

Mauricio es mas macho

Many stray dogs = many stray turds

Bring SPF and sunglasses. Those of us from cloudier climes forget about that big, warm sun in the winter.

Bring umbrellas. It is the rainy season although it has been dry here. Often it will rain for about half an hour and then clear up and be warm and sunny.

The sun rises everyday at 6:30 am and sets every day at 6:30 pm no variation. you don´t really even need a watch, unless you have somewhere to be in between those hours.

The temperature is between 50-70 degrees F. every day. bring pants and one or two shorts or sundresses, sturdy shoes. always have a long sleeve shirt to put on for when it clouds over and the temp drops. I have put on and taken off said long sleeves 5 times in an hour.

That´s all i can think of for now. Any veterans please jump in and contribut and or correct any misinformation.

Be prepared to enjoy amazing scenery, friendly people, a plethora of fresh fruit and vegetables.

Asta luego


  1. Yes! We counted 14 hitherto unknown types of fruit at the Super Maxi store near the Senior Aulestias. Tomate de Arbol, super yummy!

    Como esta Mauricio? Quien es Mauricio?

    Excellent travel advice contained in "Que t'al." A few others from a super cautious traveler, el Viejo: be prepared for altitude unless coming from Colorado; take proper precautions for mosquitos if planning to visit some lower lying areas; restaurants are good, street-food menos, quidado; careful with potable o non-potable water. Buen Viaje, el Viejo

  2. Yeah, we found you. We have been trying to get information about you. We wanted to let you know we will be following your exciting adventures. You were in out thoughts during the earthquake. Our thoughts and prayers. Aunt Connie and Uncle Don

  3. yes, thanks dad mosquito repellant is also a good idea

    mauricio is bruce´s name from high school spanish class. that comment is mostly to see if he ever reads the blog

  4. Are you partaking in the public displays? shoe shinig? I can see it now. Wish I could visit. Enjoy the beauty and sunshine. Love, Shawn

  5. SO much adventure.

    Here's how boring my world is:
    Last night I had a dream wherein I was trying to get the mail, but I kept going to the wrong mailbox and getting frustrated. That was my DREAM.

    You guys are running around like kings in your world of scenery and sun and 50 cent shoe shines.

  6. Jerod come down with your sister and let your mail pile up.

  7. VERY IMPORTANT ADDITION: don´t forget to get your toilet paper in the public restroom before you go into the stall. There is none in the stall and it is an unpleasant discovery. yes of course i know firsthand.

  8. also don´t wear gold earrings or jewelry on the street. i just got the earrings ripped out of my ears on a busy street in broad daylight while walking with mary lynch. many people were sympathetic, but it happened too fast to do anything. scary.

  9. Did this happen to you Beth ?

  10. Saludos, Mauricio. Soy tu exprofe de español disfrutando de tu blog. Parece que Uds. tienen una buena aventura allá ¿verdad? Buena suerte durante el resto de su tiempo entre los ecuatorianos.

  11. Yes it did happen to me (the earrings).

  12. Another tip. Have Jane go with you to the market. She is a savy bargainer and will stare cooly into the eyes of the seller and say, "two dollars, no mas."

  13. A beautiful day in Duluth, MN. You all have a lot of great tips for those considering a visit to the lovely country of Ecuador. Scott and I have had the past week to revisit all the wonderful things we did.....and we still smile and laugh! Beth and Bruno are great hosts - as are Max and Jane. We feel lucky to have had them as our travel companions and certainly as our friends. There is still time for some of you to go and visit!!!
