Monday, February 8, 2010

NO Saints went marching in. . . . .

February 8, Monday
new things: watched the Super Bowl on ESPN espagnol with no million dollar ads, no snow just 50-70 degrees every day, Bruce is READING and has almost finished a book he started when we got here!!!! Between Bruce reading and Max being forced to play futbol(soccer) the trip has already been a tremendous success. Putting sunblock on before we go out instead of boots and mittens.

things that are the same: I transformed from the Wicked Witch of the North to a sane human after my run yesterday!!!!!! Excited to start viewing some Winter Olympics, will have to find some gringo bar or something.


  1. Lilly's family/store has a running club, they run in Parque Carolina.

  2. I wish I were you!!


  3. So gosh darn proud of you four! You're doin' it!! Do it up, babies. I have already stomped around on the snowshoes you loaned me. Need them this week. Lots of love from Big Daddy Peña!
